Saturday, June 19, 2010

Season 7 - 14 Chefs Compete

My Pick: Benjamin
Eliminated: Jamie

So the chefs had to cook lunch for the USC Trojan Marching Band with a basic menu of things like burgers and fries. The red team won and got a day on the beach and the blue team lost and had to clean up the LA "river". Which is a good thing because who really wanted to see a bunch of guys prance around on a beach? The dinner service had Holli and Salvatore up as assistant maitred. Salvatore got yelled at. Douchey Scott got yelled at and was shaking off Ed's help when he clearly needed it. Jason did the same thing. My new pick impressed Chef Ramsay on the meat section helping the blue team win it. Jamie got booted off sparing the crispy Fran.

I picked Salvatore the last two times, but I think he's actually going to do okay in the next episode. I think I'm gonna go for...

Next on the chopping block: Jason

He doesn't communicate too well and isn't a team player.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

15 Chefs Compete

Dammit Mikey!!! You done got yourself eliminated.

New Pick: Benjamin

Eliminated: Mikey

So the guys got to go on a helicopter ride, which isn't exactly the most original prize. I think that's been a prize every season. Autumn sucked at cleaning a huge tuna and then oversalted water. Cooking 101... Salvatore couldn't remember the desserts. Maria was annoying too, I guess not everyone from Scranton, Pennsylvania is an employee from Dunder-Mifflin Sabre.

The bottom two ended up being Jason and Autumn because there was no winner. Andrew argued with Chef Ramsay and ended up leaving on his own. So I thought that there should have been a bye since he left on his own. Unfortunately it was Mikey, my chosen one that fell tonight due to messing up on the risotto. Chef Ramsay mentioned the risotto in this service and the fish in the last service, but Scott keeps trying to lead people, but just messes them up. I don't think Mikey really got a fair shake at this competition. Keep your head up, Mike. I'd still go try your food.

Next on the chopping block: Salvatore

I can see why he didn't get eliminated in this one. He did well at the service, but seriously, I think he's the one that just doesn't belong. I want Scott to go, but I think he's too good to leave so soon right now.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Season 7 - "16 Chefs Compete"

Air Date: 6/1/2010
Jay's Pick to win it all: Mikey

Jay's Pick to be eliminated: Stacey

The latest season of Hell's Kitchen just kicked off last night. I don't have cable, so I watch the episode a day later. The first episode is our first taste of the new contestants. I was going give my take on each contestant, but that would be a ginormous post. Here's the breakdown:

Fran is an old lady that doesn't know the difference between crab and lobster. Scott screwed over my boy Mikey, Jamie almost killed chef, Andrew eats raw meat, Holli reminds me of Lacey from Season 5 except she is actually kinda cute and managed to not get kicked out of the kitchen. Maria is a giggling idiot. And Stacey is an over-confident personal chef who can't cook scallops. Both her, Scott, and Ed seem way too over-confident.

So Chef Ramsay very Namath-like guarantees to finish the first dinner service. He plays a prank on the contestants by making out his wife who is in disguise as another contestant. The guys win the signature dish showdown. Chef reveals that the winner will be the executive chef at his restaurant at the Savoy Casino in London. The contestants watch tutorials on how to execute the recipes in their recipe books. The girls end up having to cook the guys breakfast in bed. Fran complains that she doesn't do it for her own boys so she doesn't like it.

The prep work starts and Jay (not me and will henceforth be known as "smurf") comments on Scott talking too much. Fran messes up twice. Then Jamie messes up on a beef fillet and Maria laughs. Chef yells at her and then ends up kicking Fran, Jamie, and Maria out of the kitchen. I actually liked Maria before this episode cause she was from Scranton, PA. Just like Jim Halpert! Scott kept telling that Mikey's halibut was good, but Mikey disagreed but finally Mikey caved and it turns out Mikey was right and got crap for it. Chef kicks out Salvatore and Benjamin out because they kept messing up on the apps. Stacey gets kicked out. Then Mikey messes up on the halibut again and ends up getting kicked out too. Chef merges the teams and finishes the service with the Blue team winning.

Fran says she would kick Autumn out for not being a team player, but I kept saying that it was gonna be Fran and Stacey and I was right. Stacey gets kicked out because, she was way too confident but couldn't back it up. I'm happy though because the Red team will soon fall apart.

Next episode, I predict the axe will fall on....Salvatore.


I love the show, Hell's Kitchen on FOX. I figured that instead of annoying my friends with updates on Facebook, that I'd just start a blog about me following anything with Hell's Kitchen. I guess I'll talk about what I liked about the episode, who I don't like, my thoughts on who got eliminated. At the beginning of the season, before watching the first episode, I'll try to predict who is gonna win it all. Before each episode, I'll predict who's going home. Man, I'm a geek.